Area list ¦ Missing house numbers ¦ Missing streets ¦ Additional streets ¦ Update from OSM ¦ Existing house numbers ¦ Existing streets ¦
Overpass turbo ¦ Area boundary

OpenStreetMap additionally has the below 13 streets.
Plain text format
Checklist format
GPX format
Overpass turbo query for the below streets

IdentifierTypeSourceStreet name
252051468waystreetCifrahóstyai utca
90439999waystreetDr. Agyagási Dezső utca
299387273waystreetFehérhegyi utca
211429760waystreetGárdonyi Géza tér
128544621waystreetJózsef Attila köz
100253740waystreetKis Dobó tér
435456049waystreetKőtő utca
212430402waystreetKracker János utca
211255793waystreetMezőhegyi út
435466129waystreetPanoráma tér
224380216waystreetRigó köz
295150583waystreetSzőlővirág utca
125845687waystreetTibrikdűlő utca

Warning: broken OSM <-> reference mapping, the following OSM names are invalid:

Warning: broken OSM <-> reference mapping, the following reference names are invalid:

Note: an OSM name is invalid if it's not in the OSM database. A reference name is invalid if it's in the OSM database or it's not in the reference.
Version: v24.2-689-gd2faf1cb ¦ OSM data © OpenStreetMap contributors. ¦ Last update: 2024-12-12 03:06 (osm), 2024-12-12 01:28 (areas)